Welcome to Ryan Chen, joining our Taiwanese office – 歡迎Ryan Chen加入我們台灣的辧公室
Ryan (to the left in the photo) started his career in the semiconductor industry before joining Enercon as Sales Manager in Taiwan. He has also worked with a company representing Danish wind related companies and latest with a recruitment company specializing in offshore wind energy industry.
“Joining Fred. Olsen Ocean, and through that, supporting Global Wind Service and Fred. Olsen Windcarrier, gives me the opportunity to work for an international player who is keen to take an active part in developing the Taiwanese offshore industry. This marks a key milestone for my career as I believe by working with one of the best teams in the offshore wind energy industry, we are able to serve our first-class clients and help them materialize their projects”, says Ryan.
Ryan joins Hans Hansen who is Fred. Olsen’s Regional Manager and Global Wind Service’s Branch Manager in Taiwan. He will work as a shared resource between the Fred. Olsen related companies represented in Taiwan.
Global Wind Service:
In his daily work for Global Wind Service, Ryan will support both commercially and operationally in the country and help build a strong local footprint in Taiwan.
“We are very pleased to have Ryan as part of our local team in Taiwan. The expansion in Taiwan is closely linked to Global Wind Service strategy and an important step towards a stronger local presence. I’m confident that Ryan’s strong background and local knowhow will be a great asset to Global Wind Service and the other Fred. Olsen related companies” says Hans Hansen, Branch Manager Global Wind Service.
Fred. Olsen Windcarrier:
Ryan will be supporting Fred. Olsen Windcarrier’s operation with Brave Tern in Taiwan, and soon also Bold Tern, by assisting the Nautical and Technical departments and interact with local suppliers. He will also be supporting the commercial process.
“I am thrilled to join Fred. Olsen Windcarrier to take part in both commercial and operations activities for this exciting market. I look forward to meeting with clients and vendors, and to collaborate with all related colleagues in Fred. Olsen on the execution of the projects. By being locally supportive on the operation of Brave Tern currently in Taiwan, and sister vessel Bold Tern coming to Asia at later stage, we strengthen our team and respond to client’s request more efficiently”, says Ryan.
You can connect with Ryan on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-chen-4534b087/
歡迎Ryan Chen加入我們台灣的辧公室
Ryan在加入德國知名的風機製造商Enercon GmbH擔任台灣區的業務經理之前,在半導體產業的業務行銷工作有多年的歷練與經驗。Ryan曾參與了一間在離岸風力發電產業集結數間知名丹麥公司的聯合企業的業務開發工作,隨後加入了一間專精於離岸風力發電產業的人事顧問公司擔任台灣區總監的職務。
Ryan表示, 加入Fred Olsen Ocean集團, 並透過集團同時參與Global Wind Service與Fred Olsen Windcarieer的營運與專案工作給了我一個絕佳的機會加入一間協助台灣發展離岸風力發電產業的公司。我相信我可以與這個產業裡一流的團隊一起共事,提供我們每個優質客戶更好的服務並協助客戶們成功地完成每個專案。這對我的職業生涯來說,是一個相當重要的里程埤。
Ryan將會加入Fred Olsen Ocean的亞太區總監,同時也是Global Wind Service台灣分公司總監Mr. Hans Hansen的團隊。Ryan未來將共同參與並支援Fred Olsen Ocean集團相關企業在台的相關工作。
Global Wind Service:
Ryan也將參與Global Wind Service在台灣包括商務面與執行面的運作,並肩負著Global Wind Service深耕台灣的任務。
Global Wind Service台灣區總監Mr. Hans Hansen表示, 我們相當榮幸地有Ryan加入我們台灣的團隊。台灣團隊的擴編是Global Wind Service全球策略相當重要的一環,也為Global Wind Service的本土化邁進了一大步。我堅信Ryan的專業背景與在地化的知識將成為Global Wind Service以及Fred Olsen Ocean相關企業的重要資產。
Fred. Olsen Windcarrier:
Ryan將支援Fred Olsen Windcarrier旗下的風機安裝船Brave Tern在台灣相關的營運工作, 緊接著亦將協助支援Bold Tern的航海與技術部門以及與國內相關協力廠商的聯繫與整合工作。Ryan也將參與支援商務面相關的工作。
Ryan表示, 對於能加入Fred Olsen Windcarrier並同時參與相關的營運與商務相關的工作感到相當振奮。我很期待能與客戶及協力廠商碰面,並與Fred Olsen Ocean相關的同仁協同合作, 共同執行任務與專案。藉由在地化支援目前已經在台灣的Brave Tern, 以及之後會來到亞洲同船型的Bold Tern,我們強化並提升了我們的團隊,並更有效率地解決客戶端的需求與問題。