Global Wind Service

Preferred Wind Turbine Installation & Service Partner

Our offerings span from large scale project execution – planning and execution including risk assessment, documentation, logistics, manning, tools, equipment, and cranes – to small, specialized teams, configured for specific tasks.  

We serve wind industry clients all over the world and have a long track record in delivering supreme quality and flexibility.

Want to know more about our previous work? Go here to view our track record and selected case studies.

We hand-pick the right team for each assignment and make sure that it is supported by experienced project managers and well-proven processes. Our aim is to add value for our clients, to deliver efficiently and at the lowest possible risk, and we do this by applying all our experience and knowledge about the wind industry.

Browse this page to get an overview of our services. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for a more detailed discussion of how we can add value to your project.


Installation Services

We offer full scope installation services to large and small projects. No matter what your needs are, we have a solution to fit your project: Installation, Crane & Installation or maybe even Transport, Crane & Installation. 


Our **Global Sales team** is ready to help you with your next wind project



We offer full pre-assembly set-ups directly a quayside or individual technicians as you wish.

2024 Highlights

Onshore Projects completed
Offshore projects completed
Service & Blade projects completed

Service & Maintenance

Whether you need specific services carried out by an individual technician or a complete team, we will send you exactly the kind of professionals to match your task. Our extensive experience covers wind turbines from all major manufacturers and includes both retrofit tasks and scheduled service and maintenance.

A complete package of blade services for both onshore and offshore wind farms

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Additional Services

We take pride in offering the full package of wind turbines services from start to end

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